utilitarianism$89230$ - tradução para alemão
Dicionário Online

utilitarianism$89230$ - tradução para alemão

Total utilitarianism; Total Utilitarianism; Average Utilitarianism; Average utilitarianism; Total or average utilitarianism; Averagism
  • pages=Book 4, chapter 1, section 2}}</ref>

n. Nützlichkeitsprinzip


·noun One who holds the doctrine of utilitarianism.
II. Utilitarian ·adj Of or pertaining to utilitarianism; supporting utilitarianism; as, the utilitarian view of morality; the Utilitarian Society.
III. Utilitarian ·adj Of or pertaining to utility; consisting in utility; /iming at utility as distinguished from beauty, ornament, ·etc.; sometimes, reproachfully, evincing, or characterized by, a regard for utility of a lower kind, or marked by a sordid spirit; as, utilitarian narrowness; a utilitarian indifference to art.


Average and total utilitarianism

Average and total utilitarianism (also called averagism and totalism) are variants of utilitarianism that seek to maximize the average or total amount of utility; following Henry Sidgwick's question, "Is it total or average happiness that we seek to make a maximum?". They are theories of population ethics, a philosophical field that deals with problems arising when our actions affect the number or identity of individuals born in the future.